Don't neglect offline sources, though you can find lots of sources online. Magazines committed to working in your own home often have advertisements and articles about wholesale drop ship supply firms that you can consider. Simply go to your local library. They often have a lot of copies you can look over and get some suggestions for product sourcing for Amazon.
Obtaining the right drop shippers is crucial to the achievement of your Amazon business. You need to find out whenever possible about how diverse wholesalers work, and sign up with the ones that are the best fit for you. Whenever possible, try to speak to people who already do business with the wholesaler, always know your obligations before signing anything. If something goes wrong, this can help you get a better idea of how good they work together with their partners, and what you can expect. Take your time, review your options, and it is possible to find the right product sourcing for Amazon partners to assist you accomplish your objectives.